Friday, April 13, 2012

Homemaker, Stay at Home (doggy) Mom, (future) House Wife, Unemployed...

Well the first day back from our vacation, I got notified that due to an ongoing consolidation of North American locations of my company I was out of a job. So as of late last week, I am a full time homemaker. My feelings are so mixed about this turn of events. I started my first job when I was 13 years old and, other than a few weeks during transitions, I have always worked.
Jason's advice is to enjoy this time at home and focus on my college work for a little while. I appreciate him so much. He is so supportive.

So for the time being I have a ton of projects that I am going to work on at home. I am excited for the opportunity to spend some time making our home a nicer, more organized, happier place. :)

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