Saturday, February 9, 2013

Stir fry: An easy, healthy meal

I have been struggling this week with how to incorporate my love for cooking and baking into a healthy lifestyle. I have started working out twice a week with a Crossfit coach and he is constantly reminding me that "We can't out train poor nutrition!". I love to cook and so tonight I decided to make a stir fry that follows the nutritional guidelines found here.

Stir fry is one of the easiest ways to incorporate more vegetables and lean protein into our diets. It is so versatile that you can literally use whatever you have on hand. For example, tonight I used leftover beef steak. I almost always cook my steak rare, partly because I like rare meat and partly because it makes it easy to use in a second meal without over cooking the meat.


Easy Stir Fry:
minced garlic
sliced onion
cabbage (finely shredded)
yellow squash
bell pepper
left over steak
1 tbs oil
sunflower seeds
Stir fry Sauce Recipe at Eat Live Paleo

Heat your wok over high heat. Add oil by pouring down the side of the pan and swirling to coat all sides.
Cook garlic for a minute or so until browned.
Add onion and cabbage and allow to cook until onion starts to soften.
Add the remaining chopped vegetables and rare steak. Cook until heated and tender crisp.
When almost done, make a hole in the middle and add in a little Stir Fry sauce (see link above for recipe). I also sprinkled on a few sunflower seeds at this point for crunch.
Serve and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. This looks SOOOO yummy & easy to do! I can't wait to try it out! Thanks for posting!!!!
