Saturday, December 22, 2012

(Wo)Man's Best Friend

This is our Harley. He is a lab/basset hound mix and he is an awesome dog. Harley came to live with me when he was just a puppy. Those first few months were full of sleepless nights. He would cry and bark and howl ALL night if I didn't put him in bed with me. He has always been a Momma's boy. 
Harley is 7 years old now and isn't quite as spry these days. He is still an awesome guard dog but is more content to lie on his bed inside when it is cold. I know his life is in the sunset period and it makes me sad to think that he may not be with us in a few years. He has seizures and lately they seem to be more often. He doesn't jump on the couch anymore and is a little slower getting out of his bed. I sure love this boy and am content to spend more snuggle time and less time chasing him around the cul de sac when he doesn't want to come inside. I love my Harley dog!

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