Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Our Christmas Story

We had a nice Christmas. Jason and I hosted my family here at our house. My brother in law had to work the day before and after so he wasn't able to be here and he was missed. So we ended up with 6 adults.  For our family it was all about the dinner! LOL
For breakfast I made a strawberry and cream cheese braided bread, blueberry muffins, and fruit. Jason made an awesome quiche loraine. It was so the big breakfast hit. I personally think that dish should be a Saturday morning tradition from now on...
Jason also helped make a few dishes for dinner. It was really odd and really nice to have some help with dinner! Jason roasted a beautiful bone in roast beef in his dutch oven under the carport.

After dinner we exchanged gifts and spent some time hanging out. My family had to leave early because the weather was about to turn messy. It was raining most of the day and then.....

We had a white Christmas!!! That NEVER happens in Arkansas! It started snowing Christmas evening and kept snowing all night. In all we had 9 8 inches of snow!

 The only problem was that snow was followed by 5 days without power. We roughed it out for the first two days and then I took the furr kids and we to Jason's parent's house while he went out on the road. We finally got power back on Sunday night and I headed home. I had to throw out all the food in the refrigerator and inside freezer but I was able to save some of the stuff in the garage freezer since it had been soooo cold outside. I was really worried because it took a lot of hard work to put up all that corn! Read about my corn experience here.

I celebrated with Jason's family on Thursday evening. He had already left for a trip to Canada but we had fun without him. I really love my new family :)

I hope you all had a safe and wonderful holiday filled with family, friends, and Christ.

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