Saturday, January 19, 2013

Back to school

This past week I started back to school at Henderson State University.  I am excited and nervous all at the same time. But it is time to finish my education. Besides, with winter being here and me not being able to spend time outside I think I was driving Jason nuts. He started giving me pitiful looks when I iron and starched his socks. So back to school I went  ;)

I am in the Middle School Math and Science program. Once I finish I will be certified to teach grades 4-8 and will have my math/science endorsement, which is in high demand in Arkansas.

The problem with going back to school when your age is greater than the product of 15 and 2 is that you feel REALLY REALLY OLD. And I wore my grey slacks and a heather blue sweater with sensible black flats. Apparently the uniform of HSU female students is skinny jeans tucked into your boots. I was already feeling pretty out of place when I walked into my noon class and asked the girl sitting next to me about her Kindle Fire since hubby is thinking I may need one for my birthday. I asked her if she liked it and she looked my square in the eye and said "Yes Ma'am". I nearly died. And then we discovered that we graduated from the same high school, about 13 years apart.  And I am only 7 years younger than her mom. *sigh*

On the upside I am more educated and experienced than these kids who were just born 20 or so years ago. Right?


  1. Oh Amanda! I am SO EXCITED for you! I will pray you through this adventure! Stay strong in the fact that you are more educated & experienced than the kids you are taking classes with! They will look to you for advice! ;-) At least I know I did when I was in college with people who were in your same shoes.

    And like I tell everyone who fusses at me for saying "Yes ma'am" to them: it's a respect thing! And we were rasied & are currently in the south! Her Mom & Dad taught her right! I currently "try" (cause I do fail...I'm human) to say yes ma'am & no ma'am to the girls so they will show me the same respect.

    I love you & can't wait to hear all about this adventure as you live it!!!!

  2. Yes, ma'am to your elders, not your peers! I agree that that would be an owie from a co-student. :) (I'm sure you meant that you are 7 years younger, than her mom, right?)
    You will be great. I am trying not to be jealous. Love your blog.

  3. Michelle, yes that is what I meant LOL :)
    Thanks for reading. I am pretty excited. No reason to be jealous. You get to spend all day with sweet Rosebud. She is such a delightful child. We should get together soon. I miss you.

  4. You will be a great peer to those younger students. Very proud of you and so excited! You were the smartest person I knew in school! Was always amazed and envied your academic abilities! :))
