Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Small steps leading to big changes

So after the conversation with myself I have been trying to make positive changes in my health. One of those has been to get out and MOVE! The easiest and less expensive way to do so has been walking. I already had good walking shoes and a Nike sensor that connects wireless to my iPhone. I am able to track my walks this way. I am a data driven person so if I can see that I am making immediate progress it helps to spur me on. :)

One of the things I love about the Nike+ system is that I can upload my workouts right from my iPhone onto the Nike+ website. Once I do that a screen pops up that gives me details about the workout that I just completed and if I have hit a personal best it will give me a celebration banner.
I may start sharing these on a side bar on this blog as an accountability method. I haven't decided yet. I have drafted my two best friends who also happen to be my husband and sister to my accountability team. So if I don't send them one of these screen shots at least 4 times a week, I will hear about it.
The best part is that I am not really even ashamed that I am slow or that I could only do 2 miles today. I am proud that I went out and walked! And I am happy to share this tool that has helped me :)


  1. Good job! I'll be watching and maybe my competitive spirit will get me off my hiney.

  2. Way to go! I'm so proud of you and will be following along... :)

  3. You go girl!!!! I will totally be on your accountability team when you're ready to expand!!! I love giving & getting encouragement from others!!!! I NEED to get myself moving more now too!!!!
